Friday, January 30, 2009

more later but for now just a vague note must do

ok, so this past week was pretty bad.
at this point i don't want to to write the details.
sometimes, well, i think most of the time, writing makes things real. and i still need to repress this last week.
i'm not ready to think about what happened. and what could have happened.

i'll say this much : we are all OK, now. there are still four baskets of laundry to go. we collectively lost about 15 pounds.

we love our baby. we love our baby. we love our baby.

thanks to my friends who helped me through it.


PurestGreen said...

Oh my! A collective 15 pounds in a week? Did you have the plague? Whatever it was, I'm so glad you're through it. Health and safety is such a relief after a traumatic ordeal. Big hug! (unless you're contagious?)

norah said...

yes, we had the plague.

yes, we are contagious.

how about a friendly wave?

PurestGreen said...

Alrighty! (Waves frantically while smiling)

Anonymous said...

i think that all babies should gone on diets.

they are terribly chubby.

seriously though, we should invent baby Tae-Bo, or Feng Shui, or Tai Chi, or Chai Tea...

what was the topic again?

oh yeah, being sick is the worst!
glad you are all in the feeling better column.

Anonymous said...

phew. yes, glad you 3 are better. that was very trying on me, ya know. what with the worrying & the fretting. sheesh, i cracked a sweat & everything! could ya think of me next time you get sick ;)