Thursday, December 06, 2007

babies, trees, food!!!

Dudes, I am coming to BC!!! Hurray!!

Not that I don't love Edmonton.

Cops flailing around tasers, strip malls on every corner, house-sized trucks ready to run over my car with hippy bumper stickers (courtesy of my parents), and two solid weeks of minus 20 plus a hardcore prairie windchill.

Hey, the people are nice.

I'm super excited to see everyone in BC. I have to admit I get a bit lonely out here. Hugo learns new smiles and sounds and sometimes I am the only persn to admire it. And I have been really thinking about maybe going for a walk with another grownup for, say, 3o minutes. And it would be nice to eat with other people. I mean, I eat in FRONT of Hugo, and he eventually eats what I eat.

Are we what we eat? Is he me?

My Christmas expectations are: regain all baby weight, watch Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special, stare at sparkly Christmas tree, see my sisters, my youngest brother, my niece and nephew, Mikara and Chris and Alora and Ava.

When I get back I hafta go back to skool . . . . . sigh.