The first week of teaching is behind me.

I'm not sure I'm ready to let it slide by.
It was my one chance to convince the students that I am their comrade, their leader, their silent (and loud) guidance.
It was my one chance to facilitate an atmosphere of caring, determined co-operation (did I?)
It was my one chance to spell correctly on the chalkboard (I didn't).
Whether or not the first week meant anything, it was a rush. I like my job. I have a job!
Hugo is adjusting, I guess. I mean, I know he wishes I was with him every minute of every day.
And I don't just want Hugo to "turn out fine."
I want Hugo to be happy and excited and loving and loved every minute of the way.
As if turning into someone were all that mattered. I still don't know how I'll turn out.
We still co-sleep and Hugo still nurses. We are close. I still sing him to sleep and snuggle him awake. We still read stories and he still sits on my lap when he watches Dora (ps - he's scared of Swiper the Fox. should I cut out/back on Dora?). He still names my nose, eyes, ears, hair, and milk jugs a few times a day. Hugo is still my baby. And my darling, beautiful, chatty toddler.
swiper is a douche. if it gives him nightmares then maybe give it a rest (it shows he's holding onto the fear, ithink) otherwise, it is a safe fear for him to "try on" or whatever...i dunno i am eating sour patch kids & listening to bruce springsteen...how have i turned out?
but, i am totally obssessed with how my girls are appearing on their "happiness scale"...and...it's not good. the older one is miserable & it is all my fault.
i am not saving for an resp, i am saving for therapy.
also, i am mad looking forward to may & hanging in beacon hill park avec hugo et son famille :)
I know nothing about parenting. The whole concept terrfies me (why is terrifies one of those words that always looks wrong, even when I look it up?)
So I'll just tell you that you're beautiful and strong.
BG - ditto. i dream of being post-exams, post-semester. being on a trip!! with youz all!!!
PG - ta. you are kind.
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