I'm glad the year is changing.
Eight is a strange number. I know it is a chess number, and I like chess, but I am not really all that good at chess.
Still, anyone reading this who would like to play chess with me : I will be good enough to make you think. For a minute or two. Until you win. :)

This year, I've got a few goals.
1. Write my comprehensive exams.
2. Write my comprehensive exams without throwing up before, during, or after.
3. Pay off consumer debt.
4. Pay off consumer debt and not accumulate scads more.
Hugo is grand, and requires no goals on my part. He is all perfection, all dimples and chattiness and smiles and love. Even his farts are perfect. Even his tantrums are endearing.
And I'm starting a part-time job teaching first year English at the college. Perhaps the anticipation of talking with adults, sharing my research, and having colleagues, is all so pleasing that parenting seems, well, easier. Being at home 24/7 with a toddler, even if the toddler is a gem, makes me batty.
And speaking of batty: children's television. Hellbats. Wonderpets? Miffy the Bunny?
I'll end this little note with a quotation from one of my favourite thinkers, Mark Halsey, an environmental criminologist:
"No one knows ahead of time what will happen" (Halsey, 2006, 70).