Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ok, I haven't posted in 2 months. Um.
I'm teaching 2 courses, which is great.
I like teaching. Teaching makes me anxious and happy, like all good things in my life.
Hugo learned how to talk this summer.
Sample sentences:
How about Mummy's shoes? (while putting on my maryjanes)
Mummy, come read truck book now! (truck book thumping my leg)
Mummy, ice cream? (and variations, such as : cookie? water? backyard? cartoons? traintracks?)
Mummy, kiss, now?
Are you OK Mummy? I'm OK. (more like one sentence)
MumDad go park play now please?
Mummy, nursing now please?

And he tells jokes.
Main joke involves pointing at anything (that is not an airplane), looking at me, and saying "Airplane!" He usually laughs between "air" and "plane," before my half of the joke, which is acting surprised and then giggling. I love the airplane joke.

My heart is breaking.
Vita's good, we are both good. He's so handsome. Um, and working hard and applying for a Master's in Counselling next year.
And we built a cedar backyard fence!!!! I like to sit outside and look at it. I smile at it.
Ciao. I am wayyy to busy. Papers to write, assignments to grade, lessons to plan, laundry to toss around. etc.
And Hugo is in gymnastics. He's into the balance beam, the climbing wall, and the trampoline. Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree on the anxious & happy feelings = good stuff. if it don't make your palms sweat a little it's too easy for ya'. gymnastics is grand - go hugo go!
and, i am thinking counselling too. uvic has a bsw & a bcyc (child and youth care)...hmmm...or maybe i should be looking for courses at ok. college - one's that involve english with cute profs? ;)