And may I add that although, in yesterday's late-night-posted-photo, I look like a dishevelled ex-hippie-turned-pseudo-indie twentysomething,
I am actually a dishevelled, actual, PhD student turned mother.
And still a PhD student.
And a happy one. I went to the YM/YWCA last night to swim. I swam for half an hour. I sat in the steam room. I sat in the hot tub.
This was perfect.
Today I went back to the Y with Hugo for Baby Splash Time. Hugo loves the water and he isn't afraid at all. He wants to jump in - he wants to dive into the fountains - he wants to do a backstroke across the kid pool.
I know this is boring. Here's the thing : I think of a lot ineresting things to write, and I have odd interesting moments all day. And they are sometimes disturbing, or provocative, or curious. But I'm scared to write them down. Because then they are real - but they are real only in the way that I write about them. My written record of these important events becomes the thing : the thing is no longer itself. My writing is.
And my writing is not up to the task.
Bollocks your writing is not up to the task! Either the written record becomes the thing or your own memory does - the thing is no longer the thing anyways. Your memory has already re-shaped the moment. So write it down. No matter what. Please.
i also question about writing things down. i often feel they'd be the most interesting posts i could write. there is great vulnerability in this public forum. but i would love -LOVE- to read what you'd write! you are fantastic.
p.s. today i thought next spring you and i and hugo and a-lo should go visit so. explore scotland. i am going to win the lottery and all...
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