Hugo loves hammers.
Also wheels, sirens, trains, dora and babies.
Oh, and breasts. Mostly mine, but if you are holding him and your t-shirt is on the loose side, he might just slide a pudgy hand down, looking into your eyes with a curious thirst.
Life with a toddler is hilarious, and we're getting happier, the three of us.
Although today I felt like shite for about three hours, I remedied it by taking Hugo to the downtown library, romping on the ladybug pillows, and picking out some MS and Adbuster's magazines to borrow. Which, because I owe 23$ (of which I only needed to pay 3 to get books out) and had $2.40 on me and the library doesn't take plastic, I snottily left on the library counter.
I softened my crabbiness with what I hoped was a beleaguered smile. And felt better for having expelled my doominess.
Librarians are, generally, really GOOD people. I mean, have you ever heard of a post-feminist librarian?
Speaking of post-feminism, I'm looking for texts for English 100. Pretty much, they suck. I found one I kind of like, called Word and Worlds. It has "controversial" essays. About capitalism, terrorism, consumerism. And "feminism:" in scare quotes because the excerpts are firmly post-feminist libertarian.
One is actually from REAL Women, the evil anti-woman group from Alberta.
And another is an excerpt from "The Rules."
What the hell???
I kind of think the author expects that readers would be appalled, which would make for good class debate. But I fear (with, I think, reason) that students would nod along with the readings, deciding that they too are "beyond" the need for feminism.
So I think I'll do another course pack. And also bell hooks' Feminism is For Everybody.
The class has to be non-fiction.
Our house is messy. My wardrobe is inadequate for a seasonal change and my endomorphing maternal body. My attempts to jog regularly are interrupted by exhaustion due to working late at night until my eyes close over student essays, and then waking to Hugo jumping on my gut saying, "hand hand hand hammer hammer hammer baby babeeeeeeeeee."
It's all good.
Somehow I think I could have a conversation with you in which you could major in terminology I would not understand.
Are you completely done-done your phd? What are the grand plans of the future?
Yeah, I know, you probably don't use terms like "shite" and "hammer hammer hammer," right?
I was feeling my vocabulary yesterday. Feeling it!
I still have to write my dissertation!
A mere 200 words or so, in which I crack the MPB cultural dilemma.
Then get published.
All while teaching first year at the college here and raising Hugo to be a happy kid.
Hugo is the bomb.
And Happy Birthday!!!
your hair looks awesome! don't get swine flu.
kids-time(quiet)=crabby parents
somethings: i didn't know you had a blog. i love it already. i'm glad i can read about you. i'm glad you're doing well, because i think of you. i like that picture you got from googling "phd abd". it's a very hopeful / encouraging picture.
and thanks for reading my blog & leaving nice comments. it's nice to know people are out there...
take care, lady!
Happy Mum's Day to you, lovely Norah! Are you still in Edmonton or are you living in B.C. now? I am confused. Confused but happy because I have blueberries to eat. Enjoy your
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