I started to write a long post complaining about what is bugging me.
But I think it made everything worse.
In any case, I'm sure I'll be cheerier by, say 10 pm. Bedtime.
I'm scared of school. Scared that it is too hard, that I am not smart enough, that I don't have enough time. That if I don't find a babysitter NOW I will be way too behind to ever catch up.
Gotta go.
oh, i send you my love & support. It can be a daunting challenge to find childcare, especially becuz you are such an attached mama. If i can do anything to help - let me know. and as for are you smart enough - pfffft.
dude, seriously.
Just do it becuz indeed you CAN. You are brilliant & the path is rough. I believe in you. my family believes in you. Hugo believes in you.
You are amazing.
i think that even if you just put half your effort into your thesis (?) it would be outstanding.
Try not to think about everything all at once - that's like trying to look in four different directions while juggling.
Not smart enough? May I please draw your attention to the Deleuze blog post of 20 August? In which you used the term "post-post structuralism?" I can only smile and nod. You are one of the smartest people I know.
I know I can’t help but I am glad you write - even when you are stressed, because it makes me feel closer to you. I send great babysitter vibes your way. Everything is going to be alright.
thank you friends.
i will keep truckin'.
hugo is out for a walk with his Dada right now, so I've been working.
back at it.
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