Ah yes, time flitters by and my baby gets cuter while I get more shrivelled looking.
"It's all worth it! I had 32 years of solipsism! Who needs to look good? Who needs to ever wear jewellery again? Who needs to remember to wear deodorant?"
Except for the last item, I'm cool with the changes parenting brings.
Hugo is so damn cool. Last week I let him play with a potato. He yelled his super-happy yell and hoisted that sucker all around the house.
And he tries out new expressions every day. Today he was closing his eyes - squinting them - when he smiled. Kind of like a fake-smile with a laugh.
One day last week he said two new words in one day, both at the right time for the words to actually mean what they mean. Both were Czech, and both words now mean either water, poo, duplo, dollie, boob, bunny, book or parent. I think, basically, Hugo has moved from Chomsky's structuralist notion of language aquisition to a more Derridean deconstruction of supposed static semantics. Boy genius.
Plus he poops in his potty.
wow. i can't wait to see him for reals. i like the bob marley shirt. he can't help but be a genius & a fashionplate - look at his mama! (2 years ago)
i poop in my pottie...
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