Ok, the first thing I'm going to write about here is a bit gross.
I thought that since I haven't been pregnant for four months, things woul dbe normal-ish with the bod.
But now I am enjoying post-partum hair loss.
Kind of ewww.
My hair comes out in creepy piles.
Like a runaway pet.
Apparently it'll stop falling out soon.
Hugo is awesome, and he's pretty close to crawling. I mean, I really don' t know, never having done this before . . . but he does scrunhc his knees up under his legs and then push like crazy.
It turns out I'm going to stay in school - hurray! My other option was living with my parents, so, yeah, it's good.
My supervisor is cool. She asked me if I have much time for work, and I said, well, about an hour.
An hour a week.
She seemed fine with me working at this pace, and I'm glad she is proving to be a feminist in action, not just words.
I'm tired. Will I ever get enough sleep?
I was thinking of what I would do if I could do anything I wanted for, say, four hours.
I would sleep.