Sunday, November 19, 2006

oh friends

"oh friends, there is no friend."

of course there are friends.
but Derrida was writing about Greek guys talking to other old Greek guys about friendship.

I wish I weren't an absent friend: that is what the Greek guys meant. That you want to be a great enough friend that you are missed. Bu then you are not there, so what kinda friend are you?

I'd rather not be absent.

I don't love Edmonton yet.

Vacuous, cold, expensive, fancy.

So far, the best thing about Alberta is that it's next to B.C.

Oh, and the mall is better than the Louvre with the Taj Mahal inside it.


Anonymous said...

like i said last year. we need to come up with a plan to live in the same city

Anonymous said...

i do not love edmonton either. but i do love the people in it ;)

PurestGreen said...

Edmonton makes me think of waterslides and frozen lettuce. And you.

norah said...

yes! we do all need to live in one utopic city!
a warm, artsy, cheap, well-planned city with good public transit, no crime, local produce, used bookstores, daycares, galleries, and friendly dragons.

Anonymous said...

have i stepped into hyper plush giggle land? somebody hand me a pink pegasus!

norah said...

Dude, I have decided to BECOME a pegasus.

norah said...

But not pink.

This utopia is also 1970s feminist.

Anonymous said...

yes! corduroy!

Anonymous said...

or denim!

Anonymous said...

or whatever the hell else we want!

Anonymous said...

i would be your friend but you never shower me with expensive gifts or copious amounts of small unmarked bills