Friday, February 08, 2008


i know, i'm a posting fiend.

my brain is all fuzzy so i can't quite deal with my school work. i can post though!!

i have hyperthyroiditis.
the good part is that basically, anything i screw up from now on, for the rest of my life, i'm going to blame on my thyroid . . .


and it explains why i currently eat more than any other human i know, have lost weight for the past month, my hair is falling out, my brain is fuzzy, and i get all dizzy.

it's easy to treat, so that's awesome.

kind of really good to know what is going on. i'll know more next week, too, once i see a specialist. the health care here is pretty darn good!!!

ok, i 'm off to snack. i snack a lot.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

what i meant to say last post was this.

I haven't had time to write posts, but I did need to get the cutest pictures ever up for your pleasure.
And it's hard to know what to write about.
1. Weather - total ass. the weather is the ass of ass. minus 28 and then a mean prairie windchill.
2. Health - mine, not so good. going to the doc tomorrow to find out what is happening. hopefully she just hands me some horse sized vitamins and tells me to get some more sleep. hah.
3. Love - I love my baby. Seriously, he is so cool. He laughs, he babbles, he LOVES it when i play guitar for him. He found his knees recently.
4. Travel - I'm flying to Kelowna in a few weeks, so if anyone is around there, please come and hang out with me and le bebe. And then in the summer Hugo's Czech granny is coming out for an entire month. She doesn't speak any English, so it'll be tons o' fun hanging out on the beach and at Orchard Park Mall. We'll be in Kelowna.
5. Reading - about the Cariboo Chilcotin.

I like my peeps and miss you all. :)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Go Hugo!

Hugo, yes, is oddly co-ordinated beyond belief in this picture.
He's awesome.