It's these pleasures, I am sure, that will keep the revolution fomenting (if not revolting).
What I mean is that while I am, perhaps excessively, putting in long long days (like 9 and 10 hour days, and this week and last week were 6 day weeks) there are these little pleasures that, perhaps because the rest of the time I mostly read, talk, or sit in front of a computer, become sensually pleasing:
1. In the cafeteria of the U of A Education building there are 8 food vending machine-robots. I call them robots because they do the work of food preparation and selection for you. Recently I enjoyed an instant Nescafe "frothed coffee". It was kind of buttery coloured and frothy on top, and then about as sweet as, say, a citrus fruit (not as sweet as an apple), and rather bitter. Mmm. The "small" size was quite sufficient and was $1.00.
I also had my favourite ice cream treat, that is, the plain rectangular Ice Cream Sandwich. I fondly recall these from the Czech Republic as one of the only things that tasted exactly the same as it does in Canada, except that, charmingly, in the C.R. it is called a "Nanuk" (as in Nanook), therefore allowing one to consume the other in a literal and definitely sweet and refreshing manner.
2. A Certain French Librarian. I am not attracted to him. I do, though, really enjoy asking him questions and engaging him. He is kind of awkward and seems to have this repressed energy, so that when I ask him for help he kind of jumps out of his spot behind the reference desk. He's married. He has an awesome kind of rural Qubecois accent and, this is unreal, he advised me about microfiche use. Microfiche? WTF? I haven't looked at a microfiche since Horse Lake Elementary. Awesomely, the U of A has creepy stuff like records of colonial governance meetings in BC from the late 1800s on microfiche. And then I can print or save the microfiche images/info. Kind of an uncannily enjoyable thing for me: nostalgia, french guy in tie and dress shirt, dirt on colonialism, and my home, ALL IN ONE.
So comrades, so far the Revolution is going all right.
Still not dating, and I've decided that is perhaps for the best.
I mean, who wants to be all "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't call you today," in the middle of serious marching, rioting, and defenestration.
Defenestration is the AWESOMEST revolutionary practice of all. Though not very pacifist.
I would like to practice defenestration on Klein.
Before the fucker gets away to the Fraser Insitutute (can you believe he is getting a job at a "think tank"? I mean, there is this pile of gravel by my building that I think would be good there too. So, yeah, go for it Fraser Insitute. Morons.)